The UEAT Blog

Create irresistible promotional offers

Posted on
July 24, 2024

Attract new customers, build loyalty, and increase sales with irresistible promotions.

Discover effective tips for creating promotions that entice, inspire and satisfy.


1. Define your goals

Before creating a promotional offer, it’s important to define your objectives.

What do you want to achieve with this offer?

  • Increase sales of a specific item
  • Attract new customers to your restaurant
  • Encourage customers to use your self-service ordering options
  • Other

Once you know what your goals are, you can start working on a strategy to achieve them.


2. Target your audience

Who do you want to reach with your promotional offer?

  • Your existing customers
  • New customers
  • Any families
  • Students
  • Other

You can create a more relevant and effective offer by targeting your audience.


3. Choose the right type of offer

There are many types of promotional offers you can use.

  • Discounts
  • 2-for-1 offers
  • Special menus
  • Free delivery
  • Extra loyalty points

Choose the type of offer that best suits your objectives and your audience. Do you have several objectives and want to appeal to different audiences? Create distinct offers and add them to specific dates in your calendar. You’ll gain efficiency and offer your customers a dynamic image of your company.


4. Create a compelling message

Your promotional message must be clear, concise and convincing.

It must encourage customers to place an order.

Use evocative language and attractive images.


5. Promote your offer

Once you’ve created your promotional offer, it’s important to let your customers know about it.

Promote it on your website, your social media pages, in your restaurant, and via your self-service ordering options.

You may also use marketing emails and targeted advertising.


6. Measure results

It’s important to measure the results of your promotional offers.

This will enable you to see what works and what doesn’t.

You can use UEAT analysis tools to track sales.

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