The UEAT Blog

5 tips for irresistible food photography

Posted on
July 24, 2024

Successful culinary photos have the power to catch everyone’s eye and make your potential customers’ mouths water.

Here are 5 tips to make your dishes stand out.

1. Keep your pictures clean and sleek

Center your dish—and keep the surroundings free from clutter. Place the main course in the center of the plate, leaving a little space around the edges. This will give an impression of attention to detail and balance.


2. Light is the secret ingredient

Choose natural light: Soft and flattering, it will enhance the textures and colours of your dish. Place yourself near a window and diffuse the light if necessary with a reflector to avoid shadows.

Avoid harsh lighting: Avoid bright artificial light, which can “break” the mood and dull colours.

3. Play with angles and composition

Apply the rule of thirds: Imagine two horizontal and two vertical lines dividing the image into nine squares. Place the key elements of your composition at the intersection of the points for a balanced image.

Use colours and shapes: Use contrasting elements to create visual interest and highlight the naturally appetizing hues of your dish. Vary perspectives: Don’t stand still! Try out different positions: A front view, side view, and overhead view for large dishes.

4. The finishing touch

Use photo retouching software: Adjust brightness, contrast and colours for optimum rendering. Neutralize bluish tones to bring out warm, appealing colours.

But be careful! Subtlety is key! Apply filters and corrections sparingly to maintain a natural look and avoid an “artificial” effect.


5. Dare to be creative!

Don’t be afraid to break the rules! An original angle, a unique perspective and a bold colour palette can make all the difference and give character to your photos.

Take inspiration from foodie influencers and food photographers: Watch, observe and borrow ideas to develop your own style!

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